Hey guys Anderson Kaburu over here wide on the go I know life can become extremely harsh and tough and it can get lonely it can get uh dark sometimes you feel nobody understands you nobody hears you uh you are like a fish that is screaming and uh the people cannot hear because they don’t know the sound of uh the screams and the language of fish uh sometimes it can really get dark even during daytime but I want you to realise this you don’t need to give up because a one thing when the enemies is inciting you to give up what one thing he will not allow you to do he will not allow you to think about the alternative he will not allow you to think about okay after you give up then what? I want you to realise that giving up is like jumping from the cliff it can only get worse because you are a spirit that has a soul that lives in a body and your life does not end here. If you if you if you commit suicide, you kill yourself, you give up and you destroy your life you end up in hell. You’re going to move from the fire from from the pan to the fire it’s going to get worse you don’t have to do that I want you to realise that joy comes in the morning you may not see that morning you may not you may Not, you may never have ever. I’ve been seeing somebody come from such a dark place where you are to the place where you are, you, you see yourself being. But I want you to realise that, that the darkness has not come to stay. It has come to pass. Even if you do nothing, it will come to pass. And I would encourage you not to listen to the voice of fear, the voice of negativity, the voice of depression. Just become bold. What will you lose? The same energy that you, you cause, you need a lot of energy to give up. You actually need a lot of energy to give up. It takes energy to commit suicide. It takes energy to destroy your life forever. Use that energy to become bold, to seek a solution. Go and go to somebody. Go to some strangers and tell them, I am going through a tough time. Please be my friend. Talk to me. Just, just endure yourself. Go to that, do that which your feelings. Don’t listen to your feelings. Coz, everyone who have listened to their feelings, their feelings will always bring you inside a pit. Don’t listen to your feeling. Use that energy to, to turn the sales. And I’m telling you, things get better. Things improve with time. Things get better and your life will get better. Don’t give up. Hang in there. But do something about everything. Move around. Talk to somebody. Just Just share. Don’t be quiet. Don’t hide. Don’t stay in a dark place. Also, do not take drugs. That is false. The devil will lie to you that when you take drugs it is uh, going to be anaesthesia or you, or you end up in perversion. It’s going to be anaesthesia for your pain. No, no, no. It only will get worse. Begin to arise from your mess. And let me tell you, in every mess, there is a message. God is going to turn everything around for your good. Come on, like share and follow.