Escape Room: A Test of Compatibility and Survival Instincts

An escape room is the perfect first date. You can instantly find out if this woman is stupid or not. And. And, girls, you can also test your man’s leadership skills. Is he able to take charge and responsibility for the survival of his family? This. This is not just a. An opportunity for you two to have fun. This is a test. Are you guys able to work together as a team under pressure? And when things get tough and you need silence to focus, does she know when to shut the fuck up and listen? Or is she constantly yapping in your ear? Oh, my God. I told you that wasn’t the right one. You’re so stupid. Yappa, yappa, yappa, yappa. You need a problem solver, not a problem maker. For all a man wants is a woman that brings peace in the midst of war. And if at any point you start thinking, hmm, this escape would be easier if I didn’t have this nuisance, this baggage, you already know that she does not have the right qualifications to be the mother of your child. And, girls, you need to see if this man is able to stay calm and composed when he’s faced with adversity. For one day, he might panic and throw you in the firing line when he’s not able to figure things out in life. Today is escape the room. Tomorrow it might be escape the jungle. And when real danger strikes you, Need to know if this person has the right masculine feminine instincts to ensure the prosperity of your bloodline. No more talking stages. I don’t wanna know what your favourite colour is or how many kids you want. Just meet me at the escape room. You can tell me what your name is there.