A Day of Adventure in Zion: From Sand Caves to Sunset Tours

Let’s see how long my daughters last on an adventurous day in Zion. Everyone was correcting me the way I said Zion. I finally asked someone here and they said, it’s Zion, like lion. Anyway, we woke up at 8:00am, had some breakfast, then we headed over to our first adventure, which was way scarier than I thought it was gonna be. This place is called the Sand Caves, but you have to climb up a mountain to get there. Everyone was telling us it’s a super easy hike for kids, but it was not that easy. But I’m so glad we actually went through with it because look at these caves. The views are just incredible, and the kids had so much fun just playing in the sand. At 3:00 o’clock, we headed over to the Ponderosa Resort. Our next adventure is at seven PM, but they told us to get here a little early because they have an awesome park for kids. And they were right. The park was so cool. There was goats walking around everywhere, and then they had this really cool trampoline. My kids are obsessed with trampolines. And then they also wanted to do rock climbing. It’s 6:45 now. We changed into warmer clothes cause it’s time for our next adventure. We signed up for a sunset tour, and I thought this was gonna be a calm little ride to watch the sunset, but it was the opposite. It was not calm at all. But the kids were obsessed. They said it felt like a roller coaster. I’ve never been off roading like this. The car literally almost goes sideways. Our driver was amazing. He made it so much fun for the kids. You do have to be two years old to go on this, though. At 7:45, you reach the top of the mountain. They set out some chairs so you can watch the sunset. Look how amazing it is up here. All of the kids said this was their favourite part of the trip. The sun set around eight PM, and then we all got back on the Jeep to go back to the resort. If you guys ever come to Zion, you have to do this. At 8:25, we had almost made it back to the resort. And look who fell asleep on the way home. That was the first