Maximizing Success: Understanding Google Ads Timing for Black Friday Campaigns

Google ads during Black Friday could be very confusing for you but one thing you need to pay attention to and check before you start running your Black Friday ads is how long it takes people to purchase and or the conversion to be reported I’m gonna show you so you might start an ad and it’s for Black Friday so you started on Thanksgiving on Google and then it doesn’t do anything well here’s why so you see that little blue line and blue dot well this is telling me that it takes six days after an impression for most of your conversion data to be reporter which really it’s saying it takes six days after people see or interact with the app for them to actually take action so now it knows this information so if I know this I’m going to start the ads likely a week or a week and a half earlier than I really want them to be running during Black Friday otherwise we’re gonna completely miss our window and I’m just going to waste money so make sure you’re doing this for yourself this is what we’re doing for our clients during Black Friday we are in that getting ready season so get yourself ready