Intense Gaming Moments: Triple Kill Madness & MVP Chuck Callouts!

Triple, triple! Triple! 13 second triple! Shock them now! Shock them now! Shock them now! End them! Jessica saw me. Triple! Go! Triple, go! Shock them! Shock them! Shock them! Bam! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck, bro, thank you so much. Thank you for the interstellar as well, man. Let me get a Chuck MVP in the chat. Not matching a glove on here, but what are we doing? Holy shit. Rihanna, you gotta use your glove again. Times five. Your times of that 1:04, that’s an early glove. We match a glove if it’s under 30, not over thirty. Times five. Times five. Times five. Maman, that 1:21, that 1:21, that 1:21. That one twenty one. That one twenty one. Rihanna, if they use a glove, use a glove, they’re at 1:22. Use a timer if you have a timer. 1:22. Snipe, 1:22, 1:23, 1:23. Adriana