Exploring the Evolution of Maroon 5: From Hits to Overexposed

Okay. Can I be honest? The hill that I’m gonna die on is that I actually think that y’all don’t have the beef with Maroon 5 that you think you have. I think saying that you like old Maroon 5 is just, like one of those scripts that everyone knows they’re supposed to say, but actually, you like Maroon 5, and you’ve liked Maroon 5 for longer than you’ve known you like Maroon 5. Songs about Jane. That, like, debut album came out in, like, 2,002. And I’m telling you, there’s at least 15 years of a solid Maroon 5 career where they didn’t drop even one album that didn’t have two No. 1 hits, three No. 1 hits. I’m using No. 1 hits very loosely and figuratively here. I don’t know the actual numbers, but I’m saying that you know those songs, you love those songs, and you can sing along. I think that what people are actually saying is that they don’t like the story of how Maroon 5, and Adam Levine in particular, engage with celebrity as their career goes on and grows. I think that we don’t like the way that that story makes us feel. And we project it onto the story, and we project it onto how we talk about Maroon 5 in their music. But it’s not the music. It’s celebrity culture. And here’s the thing is that the fact that Maroon Five’s first album was so good and just like them not Keeping up with whatever our expectations of them were. And now we drag their name through the MUD. Every time they come out. We’re like, I liked you before. I like the old Kanye. It just. It reminds me that actually, Lauren Hill was right never to drop ever again. Haha. She was right, she was. She was right to drop that one and be done. Please don’t get in the comments talking about, oh, he’s trying to compare Lauren Hill to room 5, blah, blah, blah, please. But I’m not. I won’t take it from you. Songs about Jane, 2 thousand and two. It’s a lot of back to back hits on that one. It’s like four or five, like Platinums when it gets. Has to hit. Sunday morning rain is hit. I forgot one. Beauty queen of all another hit. I just sang that at karaoke the other week, bro. It was a banger. The whole club went up. The next album came out like four years later, where they went from 2,002 all on songs about Jane, and then 2,006, they dropped. I can’t remember the name of it right now, but there’s a song in that album that, you know, I asked her, another platinum banger. Now I think this is where I get confused, cause at this point, two albums where I’m like, they’re getting these. They’re getting like really good recognition. The next time it comes out, 2,010, hands all over is. Is hit. After hit, this is when I think that y’all are really starting to lie. Now this is where I think we weren’t wrong. Is that hands all over on that album. Guess what’s on that album. Moves like Jagger. This is peak Maroon 5. Over saturated Maroon 5. Okay, I think a lot of people got annoyed with that song. Is a little too much too soon. You know, they played the fuck out of that song. But giving time and giving distance, giving all this. Giving all this space that we’ve had since moves like JAG was on the radio. I will never say that’s not a good song. That’s a great song. It’s so fun. But moves like JAG are aside. You know what else is on that album? Hands all over. That was gospel music, guys. Now guess what from 2,010, the next album is 2011, and it’s called overexposed because the radio is playing Moves Like Jagger to Fucking Hell. So, yeah, they’re literally overexposed. And I think that people don’t like the way that the maroon sound, the Maroon 5 sound changed over the years. But 2,011, you gotta understand, like, Maroon 5 is a soul funk. Whatever band. 2,011 was straight for on the floor. Oops, oops, oops, oops, oops. Music falling down is when Fallout Boy fell off the charts, because they were playing rock music. And Pete Wentz has even said himself, like, we kind of, like, we were really affected by The fact that, like, that was all Lady Gaga, electronica, blah, blah, dance music that people were dropping at that time, and we came out with this, like, rock album, it just. We weren’t keeping up with what was happening. I can respect that. Maroon 5 read the room and said, how can we evolve and, like, give our audience something that they can enjoy in the contemporary? I can respect that. Now guess what happens. Guess what. Guess what’s on overexposed. Cross my heart and night. Great song. Great song. What’s the complaint again? From 2011 to 2,014, guys, 2,014. This is 12 years that these guys have been on the charts, singing music that I know you like. The next album is called V. Guess what the opening song on that track on that album is? Um. I miss the taste of the. It’s a very different sound, but it was a hit. I’m really, like, trying to. I’m just playing the devil’s advocate a little bit, because I’m like, no, you actually really like Maroon 5. I don’t know why everyone follows this script. You love that music. Sugar. Yes, please, won’t you come and put it down on me? That shit? You could never take that from Adam Levine. I’m not gonna lie to you. You could take a lot. I don’t care what y’all, but you could never take that from Adam Levine and Maroon 5. I’m sorry to say this, but I fear that We have to start thinking for ourselves again. Because even the new Maroon, the pretty recent Maroon 5 is. That shit is good.