Adventures with Kermit: The Cuddly and Playful Kitty with Airplane Ears

This cuddly and sweet boy’s name is Kermit. One of my favorite things about Kermit was his squeaky meows. Hi! I mean, aren’t they so cute? Another really cute thing about Kermit was when he would be play fighting with other kittens, his ears would go back. We like to call those airplane ears. Look at his ears! Whenever Kermit was getting ready to attack, he would do the little butt wiggle, which I think is so cute. Kermit’s about to attack! Kermit can be demanding at times, wanting your attention, but he is a very sweet and loving boy. It was really comforting at times when Kermit would come up next to me and lay his head on my shoulder. Kermit can be a little wild at times, like his sibling Kermit, but almost every cat has their crazy moments. Except maybe Mr. Knight. Kermit will be leaving this week as well, but he’ll be staying in Texas, so he won’t be going far.