Pioneering Life in the Wild West: A Conversation with Christian from Montana

alright everyone let’s go around in a circle and say our names and where we’re from alright I’ll uh I’ll kick it off um hi my name is Christian I’m from the United States but where United States is a big country no yeah yeah it is it is pretty big uh I’m from out west I’m from Montana um so it’s like it’s like what you think about when you think of like cowboys in the Wild West yeah so like cowboys huh yep no uh no no stereotypes no exaggerations there it’s pretty much all what you can imagine oh so you guys like farm cows and ride horses to school now yeah yeah we we do we definitely do do that on a on a daily basis you know um no cars just just horses and wagons for us oh wow but that sounds rather difficult yeah yeah no it is tough I did I did lose some family to dysentery uh last winner um we were trying to we’re trying to migrate to a a bigger bigger settle settleage um and we just couldn’t make it uh pour water yeah oh desolai my apologies no it’s it’s really tough when when our our when our crops don’t grow and uh we have a pretty we have pretty weak harvest yeah we lose we lose a lot to um just just yet again that whole winter thing um you know I think I think inevitably once we get electricity and radio out to that state then um then we can finally live like like you know average first world Americans but for now it’s just it’s just kind of a struggle oh stinker I was just curious no no no I mean you asked I figured I just so yeah and I’m I’m happy to be here nonetheless