Protect Your Phone: Tips to Prevent Theft and Safeguard Your Personal Information

So phone thefts are up 150%. When your phone goes missing, it’s not just your phone. It can be accessed to all your banking, your friends and emails. So much is on there. Really keep hold of your phone. Now, one of the tips is you hold your phone like this and somebody can just snatch out your hand. Sometimes they’re on moped, sometimes they’ll run past and it’s gone. If you just switch to put in your finger here while you’re doing your phone, now you’ve anchored. This is anchoring the phone in your hand, so when they try to take it, you can pull back. Otherwise you pull back and it can still slip out your hand. Just put your finger there, you know, hold it in the hand that you’re not gonna be typing with and do that. Just make sure you hold on to it. Because, like we said, it’s not just the value of the phone, which is a nightmare to replace, it’s how much of a life is on it. And my phone dings just to sort of let you know it’s there. So remember, slight change in the position that you hold your phone in can make a huge, huge difference. Also, yesterday met some kids in McDonald’s and they wandered off and left their phone on the table. Now, I managed to spot one of them. I said, like, is your mate’s phone, pick it up. Because I said if somebody just Sees it. They’re gonna go and run, and we ain’t gonna catch them. They’re gonna be gone. It’s just as well when you got your youngsters. I know for us as well, it’s new having mobile phones. But teach your kids, teacher, teenagers, always keep your phone by your side. Don’t just leave it and walk off. Because it is so easy for somebody just to grab it and go and take it away, and then others is gonna be able to be replaced and stuff like that. So I think we don’t have it ingrained in ourselves. You know, we think about locking our front doors and stuff like that. But definitely remember, one finger could save your phone being Nick