Bewitched Global Celebration: A Worldwide Itinerary for the Second Limited Day

Hi, lovers. Join me in celebrating the second ever very limited day. It’s global, and it will be this September 8th, which is coming up very soon. It’s been so incredible to see all of you come together all over the globe, especially being on tour. Um, it’s been so fun seeing all of you, and I’m so happy we have this thing to bring us all together. So we’re celebrating the release of Bewitched, the one year anniversary of Bewitched, which is crazy because it feels like it’s been like a week, but I have curated a new global itinerary for all of you. We have lots of cool activities in different cities, from Seoul to Melbourne to L A. And New York. Lots of cities. And I mean, you can do it from anywhere. We’ll have a itinerary for you, too.