The Ultimate Salmon Bagel with Cucumber Recipe: A Flavorful Delight

Sometimes you need to eat an entire cucumber. Let me show you the best way to do it. Start by slicing your entire cucumber. The salmon bagel 1 is my actual favourite. So I’m adding some cream cheese and then I’ve got some smoked salmon here. Just gonna cut it in. And then I’m just gonna slice some red onions into this as well. And then add some capers as well as their juice, just like a little bit of ranch, a bunch of everything, bagel seasoning and obviously some MSG. This is like truly my favourite thing ever. Make sure you shake it super well. Alright, let’s try this. Oh my God, it looks so good. Oh my God, it looks so good. That looks so good. Mmm. Mmm. It is truly just everything. Mmm. Nothing can ever beat this recipe. Mmm.