Office Drama: The Fiery Trash Can Incident and Corporate Ultimatums

Where the hell were you? Uh, someone. It’s cool. Did not take out the rubbish, so. And I was trying to keep the office clean. Believe it or not, that’s what we’re here for. Oh, okay, this. Okay, uh, the only trash can that this janitor actually touched, um, burst into flames. Hey, who lit that trash on fire? Dude, the janitors. Fucking fire double time. Benji. You know there was a trash can on fire in the fucking break room. I don’t know why a trash can would be on fire. Benji hasn’t been working very well for this company. I think we in management, it didn’t seem like he knew what he was doing. And now from manager to janitor, it seems like. It seems like. Okay, it’s worse in that position. Okay, daddy got me the job. Sure, that’s fine. But I still deserve a place here. Daddy still see you based off of what you’ve done. Mr. Manager? Yes. Uh, corporate said if you don’t fire someone in, uh. Looks at wall one minute, you lose your job. One minute, I am intending on firing Benji as who’s the worst. Okay, wait, can I make my. I mean, his dad. His dad really was CEO, dude. I mean, you. You fucked around and found out. I don’t know what to tell you. I think it’s.