Love, Friendship, and Acceptance: A Heartwarming Tale of Interracial Romance

And we met each other, we were friends, We weren’t datingor anything, but over time,we really started to develop a friendship and I started to like him. But I didn’t tell anybody. Well, there was always sort of, “He’s my friend,he’s my friend.” And your friendswere like, “What’s going onwith this?” But then it gets very serious andcomes a momentto take you home. Now, he comes froma very privileged background, it seems in the book. And you were worried about meeting his family for the first time. Yes, I mean, I was just nervous about the whole scenario. My parents have grown up in the South and segregation and, you know,this was an interracial relationship, which was unusual. But I wanted my parents to trust me. I know, but your parents said, “We trust you,we trust Patrick, but this is America.” They did say that. My dad did say thatand eventually, you know, they realized that we were right for each other, that we shared a lot of the same values. But this was the thing that got me with Patrick. You’re getting ready to meet the family, you’re not sure howit’s going to go, and what didhe say to you? He said, well, he said a couple things, but at one point, he said, “I choose you.” ‘Cause I was worried that, I choose you. What did thatmean to you? Oh, it was really,