The Ultimate XL Mystery Pack: Unreleased Flavors, Electric Toothbrush, and More!

I still have the essence from our popping candy cherry as well as our cherry cheesecake. I won’t get into the specifics of how we made this sour black cherry flavor because we still have one more round of approval. So it’s not quite ready. But we have over 25 approved live flavors and a secret set of approved unreleased flavors. The only guaranteed way to get your hands on unreleased mystery flavors is through the new XL Mystery Pack with $200 worth of product, including the 59 USD electric toothbrush. You can get this whole array of product for just 50 USD. Here’s what to remember. You get an electric toothbrush and unreleased toothpaste flavor and heaps of other popular products for cheaper than getting an electric toothbrush by itself. Go check it out.