Growing Up with Young Parents: The Perks and Challenges of Being Raised by High School Sweethearts

And anybody else have really young parents when they were kids? I’m in Tennessee. There’s no way I’m the only one in here. It was an obvious mistake. It is kind of fun though, right? Some people wanna feel sorry for you. They shouldn’t. It’s fun having young parents cause you get to do stuff with your parents when you’re a kid that your friends don’t get to do with theirs. You know, like ride the school bus, share homework. Ha, ha. My parents are great, y’all. Uh, they did have me in high school. And they are still together to this day. Yeah, it’s a big deal. I know they’re still together. They shouldn’t be, um, but they are. They are what I like to call together out of spite. Ha, ha. But the one thing they do want together is they wanna be grandparents. That’s what they want. And it makes sense, you know, that they wanna be grandparents cause, you know, they’re in their late 40s. So it’s about time, you know?