Ring Light vs. Clip-On Light: A Comparison for Better Video Quality

so if you’re trying to figure out if you really want a ring light I would think twice before you bought that thing cause so I had a co worker asked me about a ring light the other day and I told her I do not use a ring light because the simple fact that it’s bulky and it’s hard to carry around but what I do have are those small lights that just clip onto my phone next question asked is is it really work yes it works let me show you the difference between having one of those and not having one of those this whole time has been a not have one of those you tell me does one look better quality than the other absolutely does one draw your attention more than the other absolutely now I’m not saying everyone who sees my videos is gonna stop because I have a light on but what I will say is that not having one on definitely makes it a lot quicker to swipe through than having one on the quality is a million times better with having a light and not having the light this is the new one that I got and it is bright alright so has three different settings as far as like having the white light a yellow light and then a mixture of the two you really cannot see this that bright and then you have the option to go lighter or brighter with it and it is rechargeable and this clip comes with it and you can just put this attach it to the light and then of course clip your phone inside link is down here below just click on it if you decide to get one I’ve had mine for um a little over two weeks now that I’ve been using I haven’t had to charge it yet it’s running off of the charge that came with it so