My First Film: A Journey through Filmmaking and Self-Discovery

My first film is great, haha. My first film is about Zia’s experience making her first film, and I get to play her a film version. Yeah. Hollywood. Hollywood, Zia. Yeah, totally. In 2010, when I set out to make my first feature film, it didn’t go as planned. Like most people’s first feature films didn’t go as planned. In 2018, I started to do a performance called My First Film that recounted the making of that initial 2,010 film. And we shot it, the feature length film based on the performance about making the first film, and we just finished it. The first film that I made, I tried to be all these filmmakers that I wasn’t. So I really, really tried to move away from being influenced by anybody at all. But obviously, I love Bob Fassy, and, you know, I’ll be great. Maybe you should make a film. You spend your whole, like, life being someone, being like, hey, have you seen this? And you’re like, hey, yeah. Damn, I haven’t watched a movie in like 3 months, haha. I feel like I’m doing a bad job. I loved Fall Guy. Soon after watching Fall Guy, I rewatched singing in the rain. And Fall Guy is the the 21st century answer to singing in the rain. There, I said it. Take me away. So good.