Title: Exploring Economic Cooperation Between South Africa and China: Benefits, Opportunities, and Future Collaboration

How has South Africa benefited from its economic cooperation with China since it’s has been its largest trading partner for many years? And in what sectors do you think the two can iron for future collaboration? That’s a very important question because that’s what is in there, uh. Are receiving high, highest attention from our head of state. As I said, the. The trade increased just from 1 billion to over 56 billion just 25 years. 11% of all our exports to the world, they go to China. And uh, 20% of all our imports from the world, they come from China. So this shows you the sheer magnitude of this economic cooperation. China remains the largest trading partner of South Africa. That’s what statistics are showing since 2 o 20 0 9. South Africa is the largest trading partner from the African continent continent since 2010. So it’s quite significant. So our countries are quite important to each other in that respect. From the South African perspective, there are new areas really where there’s a lot of opportunities, particularly for Chinese investors in the new energy sector, including E V. Solar panels, wind. Because we are pushing, uh, the development of these industries. And we have created more policies, favourable policies for this.