Concord: The Rise and Fall of a Hero Shooter

I don’t know how many of my followers are actually gamers but if you if you know your boy I I fucking like ‘em a lot so I don’t have to talk about this but but I really fucking want to Concord okay for those of you in the know in the loop you know what happened for those of you who aren’t it’s just the next the next hero shooter on the block okay very overwatchy and and uh not just Sony there are a lot of companies a lot of developers um a lot of producing companies that are chasing this fucking gold goose they’re they’re chasing this dragon okay because they could release a game every month for 12 straight months that are in this live service arena not necessarily hero shooter but something in this live service arena and 11 of them could fail and if one is successful they could potentially be rolling in billions of dollars that’s just coming in okay so every company wants their stake in this okay and and Concord was just the next the next one cause cause cause there’s been a fucking lot of them anyway I skip the beta because I was like well I’ll be offshore when it comes out um but I’ll still give it a try when I get home because I always do I don’t like hero shooters personally but I always try new ones because maybe I maybe I just haven’t played the the right one yet you know maybe maybe I’ll just one will just click one day and I’ll sink click 2500 hours into it and and it’ll be uh just a grand grand old time so it came out I’m out here and I’m like that’s not doing that well you know that sucks I I guess for for the developers and stuff I think the peak concurrent players on steam was still less than 700 and at one point it got down to 30 people 30 um so wasn’t doing very well struggling and I’m like well I’ll still try it when I get home nope can’t can’t fucking do that anymore Sony announced uh yesterday um that the 6th of this week they are pulling the plug did it didn’t work out and they are refunding everyone they announced this twelve days after launch I have seen games fail I’ve seen movies flop I have seen TV shows not make it to that audience that they wanted to and have to cancel but I have never seen anything fail this spectacularly this was this unprecedented insanity so yeah I’m sorry I skipped the beta because I can’t I can’t even give it up give it a fair shake anymore um I I promise to not skip the Concord episode of Secret Level if if they if I mean I mean if they don’t if they don’t cancel it