Informal Conversation by Harvey Nichols: A Quick Trip for School Clothes

AJ, what you saying man? It was Tuesday in it. Yeah. Where are you at? Cause I’m on a whistle at the moment. Yeah, no, the missus just. I got to be quick. The missus just gone in the shop to get the last few bits of the school clothes for the babies and that. Yeah. Can I see you? Where can I see you? Oh, come on man, can you gotta do better than that. Yeah. You gonna be by Harvey Nichols in 10 minutes. Oh my God. I don’t know if she’s gonna be that long. Listen, I’ll uh. I walk there now. Yeah. Do me half a penny of misery and half a penny of pain. Yeah. You don’t. You don’t have to be there, brother, cause I can’t. I gotta get back. Yeah, yeah, of course. I’ve got a straight money, you know that. Yeah. Do me a bit of carnage as well, brother. Yeah, yeah, sweet as a nut. Love that. So after any misery, after any pain and go on. I’ll have half a penny of a carnage as well. Bless up, man. Yeah, you’re a star. I’m gonna come now. Yeah, be there they man. Yeah, yeah. Sweet. Sweet as in that