The Subtle Signs of Abuse: A Reflection on It Ends With Us

So I thought we would do a get ready for bed with me, um, and we’re gonna talk about it ends with us. I definitely say I probably shouldn’t have gone and watched it tonight. And one thing I will say is if you’ve recently left a toxic or TV relationship, and be mindful when you go and see it, cause it’s extremely triggering. Sorry if this bothers anyone, but I’m gonna use baby wipes tonight and run out of cotton pads. But anyway, um, one thing about the film is it is like the perfect representation of domestic abuse and narcissistic abuse. As in, you really like Ryle, he’s not a bad person. Um, and that’s one thing about a narcissist or someone who abuses women is they’re normally very nice to everyone else. Everyone else is like, wow, they’re such a nice guy. That is one of the biggest things because no one understands at what he does, that. No, he’s so nice. The film was like, so clever how it, like, portrayed, like, abuse. And that one thing was like, really clever is there was a lot of red flags at the beginning that I spotted this time, like, first time around, where is if you haven’t experienced it, you’d be like, wow, he’s so nice. Like, you didn’t see it as a red flag. So that was, like, really interesting. And then also, um, how they show the abuse. So they show the abuse at the Beginning very blurred out, but that’s like showing you how she blurred it in her head and was like, oh no, it was an accident. And then later on in the film, it shows, like, actually what happened. It’s just really clever and I think it’s very educational. I think everyone should go and see it. Um, but the end, wow. For me, it was when she said to her mom, um, why did you stay? And her mom said, cause it was easier to stay. That triggered me. And then when she said to him, what would you do, like when they had their baby, what would you do if she come to you and said that a man hit you? Hit her. It was an extremely triggering film, guys. But also, wow, so cleverly done. So, yeah, if you’re unsure about red flags, TV, things like that, go and watch it, cause it’s just so educational. But if you have recently come out saying that, I would definitely advise being mindful. But anyway, I’m definitely gonna stay up all night till like 4:00am now, cause that’s gonna trigger me in the hell so much. But, yeah, have a lovely evening.