Flat Iron Adventures: Part Two – From Steak to Mac and Cheese in Paris

Alright, y’all, we back at Flat Iron. I ain’t gonna lie, it was busting. So it’s a part two. I ain’t gonna lie. They gave me a salt when. I don’t want no salt when. I want sugar when. But it’s okay though. They don’t like onions, so I make them remake it. I love my onions, and I know I do with the Mac and cheese. Got that medium rare steak. Slightly more on the well done side, but it don’t look like it for sure. Last time it was pink. Pink. But I like it though. It’s really, really good. We go to Paris tomorrow, y’all. I cannot wait. Hmm. I love how they automatically bring me my Mayo, bro, cause I really love Mayo. Today was an amazing day, honestly. Finishing off with Flat Iron Part 2. I’m going to my mama’s Burger King, and then we about to finish and then we about to go back to the Airbnb. We gotta wake up at like 2:00am tomorrow. Like real, real early. Early flight. I’m gonna get with y’all in Paris. I love y’all, man. Keep working.