The Impact of Late-Night Eating on Sleep, Weight Gain, and Digestion: Expert Insights and Tips

is eating food late at night bad for you yeah generally eating food at night isn’t great because of a number of reasons if we were to look at a graph on a on a day scale our insulin cortisol and our gut motility gut motility being how well and quickly we basically digest food all three of those are higher in the morning and quite low in the evening they’re high in the morning because generally we need energy in the beginning of the day to support us for the day and when we going to bed our hormones start to shut down our gut motility starts to shut down because sun is set and the body is realising that we are now going to sleep and we don’t need to be having energy prior to going to bed so what happens is that if your gut motility is low you can have a meal that may take you know two to three hours to digest in the morning and that may take 6 to 7 hours to digest in the evening and you also pumping out a lot of blood towards your gut now when you’re meant to be asleep and your body ache actually wants to be at rest but you’re making it work hard during the night so it could interrupt your sleep as well if you have high carbohydrates at night time and your insulin is is lower in the evening then your blood sugar could also spike a lot more than it would if it was in the morning and then if your blood sugar’s spiking in the evening but your insulin’s low then we know that that carbohydrates you had um could possibly go to the liver and get converted into into fat so you’re you may also end up if it’s something that you all the time you may also end up putting on weight simply because of the fact that you are eating carbohydrates in the evening and your body can’t tolerate it or use it as energy so they’re generally the main reasons why eating food late at night isn’t great for you I think the biggest impact it would have is on your sleep and your weight gain so I often say try not to eat three to four hours before bed allow your body to digest if you do have a late meal the other thing you can do is go for a walk for 10 to 20 minutes or just promote the gut motility and the digestive ability of the food and also not leave you feeling so full and heavy before you go to bed as well as allowing that muscle contraction then to uptake the food that you’ve eaten all the the sugar and the carbohydrate that that you just ate um so that will help with the uptake of that as opposed to fat storage so they’re probably my main hints and tips on that