Title: A Day in the Life as a Substitute One-to-One Nurse

good morning 6:00am working my side gig today but not just my regular side gig we were already taking it up a notch what is this week three school districts I guess have like an obligation if depending on a student’s needs medical needs medical situation to provide a one to one nurse with certain students one of the one to one nurses is a Leavin I am to substitute and fill that role today which I’m really nervous about I don’t know why I’ve just I I haven’t done this before I’m gonna be like in the classroom not in the nurse’s office haven’t even gotten to see like their orders I’m kinda going into this pretty blindly I did get like a 20 minute phone call run down from the previous one to one nurse I’m just gonna see how it goes I guess we’ll see how it goes well we did it the classroom that I was in was like the least functioning class that they have I did everything on my own how I supposed to which was good definitely feel a lot less stressed now I kind of understand everything and how it works I will say like being in that classroom like it has me thinking like just has me thinking a lot about quality of life it’s hard it is hard but also for the friends in there that don’t talk or you know don’t really communicate very effectively I mean there are times where you still see them with a smile on their face and they’re showing like nonverbal signs of happiness and excitement and for still people you still want them to be happy and I think a lot about like what their future looks like like just like my brain just goes to all those places and it kind of it’s sad I mean it was fun it’s pretty laid back I will say like we listen to some Miss Rachel and some cocomelon and we watch the announcements and it’s very very relaxed not very structured it’s only 3:00 which is crazy then go do an orange theory workout and um then I’m gonna go home so