Finding Financial Harmony: Tips for Managing Money in Your Marriage

Two thirds of people are arguing with their partner about money, which, I’m not gonna lie, makes me feel a bit better. Since going to counselling with my husband, we’ve been looking at ways that we can get on the same page about our spending and our financial goals. One of my weaknesses is definitely being an impulse. And I think sometimes you just don’t realise that all those little trips to B and M are actually eaten into your budget. Like, how have I actually managed to spend this much at B&M during the last year? One way we found to overcome this problem in our marriage is committing an hour a month to go through the previous month’s spending and make a budget together for the month ahead, which includes priorities for both of us. We do this using an app called Snoop. I’d love to know your top tips for managing finances in your marriage, so let me know in the comments.