College Back-to-School Haul: Stationery, Essentials, and Outfit Prep

Hi, everyone. I’m gonna be doing a back to school haul. I’m all ready for back to school. As you can see, I’ve just had my everything shower, and I just wanted to quickly show you guys everything that I’ve bought for college. It is my first day of college ever tomorrow. I’m very excited. I’m also very nervous, but I just want to film this video because I hate to say it, but I enjoy back to school season. I love stationery. I love getting all my bits together. So I just wanted to show you guys. I did use back to school as an excuse to buy my first road lip balm. Um, I didn’t need this for school, obviously, but, um, yeah, I just need an excuse. And I’ve wanted the road lip treatment in the flavour vanilla for forever, but it’s never in stock. And it was in stock, so. Really nice. It’s really sweet. Um, but moving on to my school bag, I got the Longchamp bag like everyone else. I got it in large and I got it in black. I love it. So I have to do some work over the summer for my three subjects, so I put it each into a folder for each subject. I’m gonna keep these in my bag at all times, so every piece of work I get for a subject, I can put in this and bring it home. For some reason, that Road Vanilla lip Balm tastes kind of coconutty to me. I don’t know if anyone else thinks that, but it tastes a little bit like coconut. The next thing I got is just a big notebook. I got one with organisers because I think that will be useful for me personally, but, um. Yeah, next thing I have is my purse, obviously. Here’s my pencil case. I went for what I think is quite sleek. Yes, it’s basic, but I think it’s a very cute pencil case. And as I said, I like stationery, so I do research when it comes to my school supplies. Um, I got the pentel enter gels. Um, they look like a really good option. We’ll find out if my research was worth it or not. I’ve got a glue stick. I don’t know if I’ll need this at college, but, um, I just have two pencils. Again, don’t really know if I’ll need this, but it won’t hurt. Next, I got this ruler. As you can see, everything’s beige because it’s me, so can you expect anything else? And then I have a fine liner for every colour highlighter I have. Um, this might be excessive to some people, but to me, when I write notes, I have to colour coordinate the page. I have to. The next thing I have is this little notebook. It’s actually a diary, as we can see. Um, but I really want to use it to just take notes and have A physical copy of things I need to remember. I want to be more organised and I want to stay on top of things. Final thing is this makeup bag, I guess you could call it. Basically things in school that I know I’ll need and I need somewhere to keep. Also, this hair is annoying me just as much as it’s annoying you because it’s dry. It just keeps falling in my face. But the first thing we have dry shampoo. Um, I picked one of my soldier and air sprays to bring and I chose 68 to bring in my school bag. Um, I just bought some mascara, I’ve got a Summer Fridays lip butter balm, um, my mirror and my eyelash curler. And that’s everything in my school bag. Um, I have ordered so many clothes and bought so many clothes over the summer holidays. And I got two pairs of shoes. I was gonna do a haul, but I had a white fox order that was coming and it’s been over 3 weeks and it’s still not here. I have contacted them but I haven’t got response yet and I’m really upset about it because it is ruined my outfits. I’m actually gonna go and plan my outfits for this week and I will see you in my. Get ready with me tomorrow morning. Good luck to everybody who is starting a new school or just anyone that’s going back. Because I know that back to School season can be quite nerve wracking. Um. I love you so much. And thank you for watching.