Dealing with a Rat Infestation: A Tenant’s Frustrations and Challenges

If you follow my page, you’ll know that I’ve got a rat infestation there living in the walls of my house. And I have not stayed there in about 6 days now, but I use the place in the daytime because the rats aren’t as active in the daytime in the walls, and they aren’t nighttime because, you know, your stuff about rats will know that they aren’t very social creatures until they start breeding.

Anyhow, let’s cut the chase. Basically, I’m not entitled to any compensation of the rent whatsoever. Absolute thoughts. I tried disputing it. I went to my letting agent. I was like, look, I haven’t stayed there in 6 nights. Kind of have some money off the rent place because it’s not fair that I’m paying £650 a month when I’m not even staying there every night time because the rats and the walls are so loud. She went back to landlord and said, yo, not yo. She was like, the tenant wants money off of rent. Lanny was like, no, she’s just not allowing it or something. And then she’s turned around and said, if I happen to stay there, then I could have been compensated. So I was like, hang on, you’re telling me I have to stay in the property with loudest rats in the walls at night time to be able to get money off the rent.

What make it make sense, bearing in mind, right, it was last Thursday that I reported this and not a single rat trap has been putting down since. I had a two hour consultation with a rodent person that basically said there’s loads and loads of maintenance needed on some of the outer field. Hope they. So I had a two hour consultation with him. I’ve got a building guy around in a minute probably for another bloody consultation to just check the place out of before he does work. And I’m thinking all this time the rats are probably shag and left, right in center and babies are gonna be born soon and it’s gonna get way worse. Mind you, I have been told is gonna get worse for it gets better. But I’m thinking all these people on my last video that said I could get compensation, absolutely peanuts. I mean, trust me, I’m quite good at my vocab as well. And I can be pretty like professionally harsh sometimes with the way that I can word stuff. Another bit of English language harsh they have. But no, I’m not allowed it. I mean, not even like £10 off the rent. Not nothing. I’m not even a pretend, but I’m just mad at the whole letting agent. Really? Cuz I went away for a few days, which you probably also would have seen if you follow this account. And throughout the whole time, I had all these builders ringing me. And bear in mind, my signal was really bad, but it was to do with the rat infestation. And I think I picked up one time, Tony’s builders try and organize a day to come out, which is obviously like today now. And they went that, went back to the letting agent and said that I was unwilling to make an appointment. So of course, a letting agent then piped up to me on emails being like, oh, I hear that you’ve been unwilling to make an appointment. And I’m thinking, excuse me, don’t throw such statements around saying I’m unwilling when I’m actually on a trip right now with my best friend trying to get away from the rat infested building. And she’s coming to me to ask if I’ve made an appointment. Just checking up a minute. I’m like, you should go to the builders, but this whole thing. So yeah, the Bill will just round at like 11:13 a minute. So I’m basically trying to hone it to my workshop to collect something because some of my stock is still in the workshop and I forgot to bring it back to mine. Well, the dry stuff is, and I’ve got like an hour. So I’m hoping the traffic is not too bad. We’re already good start. So that’d be another thing. And nil, the tenant wasn’t in to meet the builder, blah, . Okay.