Insights into the World of Breakdancing: A 16-Year-Old Australian Breakdancer’s Journey

Australian breakdancer, 16 year old, um, he’s killing it. Breakdancer who, like, killed. I didn’t know that. That was a. The comments were so funny. He was like, it’s like breakdancing for the two of them. We’re like, put it. Put the country on his back. People were trying to excuse it and be like, oh, it’s because like, Australian breakdancing is a little different. I was thinking, no way, dude. That’s the first day came to my head. I was like, maybe their culture of break dancing, right, a little different. But then apparently the guys. Good. Hey, some people were like, so someone commented, she’s 36. Oh, she’s older. She’s 34, 35. Oh, she’s older. I don’t know if it’s props to her for moving around like that. No, but like, someone was commenting and they were like, oh, like, we need to check her relationship with every judge, cause that’s. Oh yeah, I saw, um, somebody posted a like a, like a regionals video or something of like, it was like to see who would make it to Olympics. And like, there’s a video of her in burgundy and a girl in blue. And like, I already know your. It starts with the girl in blue. Oh yeah, like fucking cooking. And then I’m looking at the comments and everybody’s like, oh, I thought it was her and blue until the girl in burgundy started dancing. And then they’re like, who went second? And she was just Doing the same shit. And everybody was like, how the fuck did she win this competition? You know what I mean? I feel so bad for her. People were clowning her.