Title: Dramatic Conversations: Unraveling the Mystery and Unexpected Turns

Ah, ha, ha. And that’s why he was black. I didn’t understand. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Yeah. Huh? What? What happened? What happened? What happened to him? Yeah. Wait, bro, I can’t hear you, bro, shut up. We’re not even talking. Yeah, yeah. Oh, my god, bro, what’s going on? What’s going on? How did that? But where were you? Bro? Tell us! I’m trying to tell them to find out. Wait. Let us know what happened. This is the worst news I’ve ever heard. No way. Something crazy is happening. You’re about to go to sleep. What are you doing? No way. No way. Oh, my god, bro. Come on, bro. Let’s go. He’s being so stupid. Bro, what happened? Tell us! Okay, I got you. I got you. I’ll see you soon. I’ll see you in a bit. What happened? Oh, my god. What happened? What happened? What happened? Oh, nothing. We’re good. They want to hang out in, like, 10 minutes. What the fuck? Wait, wait. There’s more. What happened? He said to make sure we bring some chips in case.