Navigating the Job Market: A Strategic Approach to Landing Your Dream Job

That is going to be a better tactic in this market. The strategy has to be to go around the ATS system to go around the recruiter. I’ll be brutally honest. You’ve got to get to people within the department that would be your peers that you would work with who can get you to the hiring manager directly. Cause the chances that you’re even being seen by the hiring manager are like 3%. It’s basically nothing. That recruiter is screening people out left and right. Hiring managers never even seen you. Every single day we’re working with people in work at daily who got auto rejected online that they apply online. But then we teach them how to get back channel to the hiring manager and they get a job interview. What’s going on? What’s going on is they’re back channeling and getting to the person that can actually get them the job interview. That’s what you have to be doing right now because recruiters are just overwhelmed. I have two interviews this week coming up for my dream company. Do you think I’ll get hired? Okay, I can never predict if you’ll get hired. But I can tell you this. When you’re going into a job interview, you are always playing the long game. If this is your dream employer, then I honestly want you to go in assuming you will not get the job today. Not getting the job today. Notice I didn’t say not ever. What Happens is people go into these situations and they think it’s an all or nothing, one time shot. And you know what usually happens?