Exploring and Embracing Self-Love: A Lifelong Journey

You know, my favourite mantra is, if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Well, let’s break that down. What does that actually mean? Well, simply put, you can’t give away something that you don’t have. And finding out how to love yourself is a whole other thing. I mean, that’s a. That’s a lifelong journey. I’m constantly investing in myself and recognising that that kid who lives inside of me, who needs all the love, who is. Who’s the one who gets his feelings hurt when I’m not recognised. Well, the truth is, the only person that needs to recognise me is me. So if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? I don’t remember where I first heard that, I. I bet it has something to do with Flip Wilson, the comedian. He had a television show where he played this reverend on there, and he would go off and, you know, preach to his sermons on his television show as a comedy routine. And I don’t think he said it, but I bet this sentiment of, of came from that preacher. Anyway, long story long, I. I Learned the hard way that if you don’t have it inside, you can’t give it away. You know, love relationships, you know, uh, George and I are very codependent. Ha ha. But, you know, I’m. I met him much later in life, so I had a head start. On learning, uh, how to love myself. And also lots of therapy helps, you know? But I think the first place to start with learning to love yourself, it starts with that kid inside of you who is so thirsty and needs so much love. Parental love, you know, you can give that to that kid. And that is where you start. And it, and, and it doesn’t stop there. Like I said, you have to continuously fill that, that void and find out what you like, find out what makes you happy, and do that, I. I think that’s where you start. So hopefully that helps. If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?