Unlocking the Unique Sales Approach of Car Sales: Building Value through Test Drives

This is why car sales is way different than any other sales jobs out there. If you’re a customer and you walk into an establishment and you wanna buy something, and you tell the salesperson, I don’t wanna try it on, I don’t wanna demo it, I don’t wanna nothing. I just wanna buy it, right? The salesperson gonna be like, I cool, let’s ring it up. But if you go to a dealership and you tell the salesperson, I don’t wanna drive this vehicle, I just wanna buy it. As a car salesperson, you gotta sell within the sale. So you gotta sell the customer on the fact that he has to test drive the vehicle before you can actually sell him the vehicle. And you know why car sales people do that? Because they wanna build value in that vehicle. So the customer pays all the money for the vehicle. And that’s only right if you test drove a vehicle at a lot six months ago and you know that you want that same vehicle, but you haven’t test drove in six months. It’s gonna be a different feeling when you get in it again. Smell the new leather, feel the new steering wheel, got that new drive to it when you’ve been driving in the Hootie for the past six months. So I gotta sell you on the fact to why you gotta drive this vehicle before I. I can actually sell you the car. That’s the Beauty about the car business. Let’s keep selling cars. Let’s make this a great September. Let’s go.