Tragedy Strikes Cima Pare: The Fatal Fall of Fabrizio Longo

This story is shocking and we have to warn you, the details might be upsetting. You’re looking at Cima Pare, a mountain peak high in the Italian Alps. It’s been tagged by thousands of influencers and thrill seekers alike. With trails rated at the highest difficulty, it requires a ton of experience and stamina. As you can see, it is not for the faint of heart or those with a fear of heights. Got no fucking way. Just a few days ago, tragedy struck there. That’s when Fabrizio Longo, the 62 year old head of Audi Italy and an experienced climber, attempted the Chimborazo trail. But something went terribly wrong as he neared the summit. Well known for his passion for mountain climbing, he’d been with Audi for years, deeply involved in promoting the brand throughout the mountainous regions of Italy. According to reports, Longo fell nearly 10,000 feet, a fall that would have been instantly fatal. Another climber who witnessed the accident immediately called for help. Rescue teams arrived quickly, but it was too late. His body was located some 700 feet down a gorge. Longo was pronounced dead at the scene. Local authorities have launched an investigation into the accident, but the details remain unclear. Critics say that as long as the outdoing industry continues to grow, so too will the risk for those who seek adventure in these dangerous environments.