Teaching Kids Responsibility Through Daily Chores: A Parenting Strategy that Works

I had my kids do three chores every day from the age of 3. They had to make their bed, put their dirty clothes in the hamper, which happened right away as soon as they were getting changed, and then also hang up their laundry, which I did every single day. Well, they also had to put their toys away. So basically keep your room and all your stuff straightened out, right? Here’s how it works. So, well, they had a duvet. All they had to do was pull it up. Messy, didn’t matter to me. And then also they’d have to hang up their clothes. Well, I’m very organised. So I had an empty hanger, a spot where the rolled up sock would go. I would roll it up, by the way, a sock with the rolled up, a place with this rolled up sock would go, a place with the rolled up undies. Undies would go. All of their chores would take under 2 minutes to do. And what I would do is I would just wait until they wanted something. Can we please watch t V? Sure, sweetie. As soon as you finish your chores, they race and do their chores and then they’d watch t v. I waited till they asked for something. Then I used the as soon as method. And then it got to the point where they didn’t even have to. They understood you gotta do what you need to do before you Can do what you want to do, but they didn’t have to have all their toys put away until the end of the day.