Photographing Officer Jesse and his Horse Apollo: A Spirited Encounter

Excuse me, officer, my name is Nolan. I’m a photographer. I was wondering if I can get a few photos of you and your horse. Yeah, of course. Yeah. You guys hop down, I’ll get you. Check right next to the horse. Okay. I’ll get one of you. I’ll get one of the horse by itself, and then one of the two of you guys together. What’s the horse’s name? Apollo. Apollo Cowboy, Man. Haha. Apollo. Awesome. And I’ll get one of just Apollo by himself. Okay. And I’ll get one of just a view. Perfect. Would I be able to get one of you riding it too? Yeah, yeah, perfect. Let’s see what you think. Nice. That’s pretty cool, right? Wow, very good. Nice. Wow, very good. It’s awesome. It was your name. Hey. Jesse. Jesse Nolan. And Apollo Capital. Apollo. Yeah, of course. Absolutely. Very good. For a long time. Nice to meet you, man. Thank you.