Mastering Realistic Mountain Painting in Procreate: Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s how to paint this realistic mountain in procreate. Start by outlining your mountain and filling it in with a solid layer. First, we’re gonna use short strokes with our pencil to lay in purples and blues, getting darker as we get towards the bottom. Then we’ll use the paint thinner brush to smudge those out a little bit so they look like they’re far in the distance. Lay in some clouds and then smudge those out, too, with the same paint thinner brush. we’re gonna add in some little white zig zags on top of the mountains. And blur those out, too, with the same brush. Now we have our background, so let’s start laying in the mountain. I’m blocking in the darkest parts in the mountain first, and then using a textured brush to add in that rock look in the dark parts. With the same brush, I’ll block in the colours on the lighter part of the mountain. And then I’ll use a smoother brush to start getting some finer details. Now, these next two brushes I really like for painting grass. I’ll make the brush size small and just run it across the entire screen in the background. And then in the foreground, I’ll make the brush bigger and use a tapping motion. Then I’ll add in my final details, and I’m done.