This is don’t say the same thing as me lost edition. So I’m gonna ask you some questions about the show lost. You have to answer them, but you have to give a different answer to the one I give. If we say the same thing, you’re eliminated. We’ll start easy up. First, I want you to name any man from the show, any man at all, not a boy. They have to be over the age of 18. So you can’t pick Aaron the baby, but any man from the show lost. Lock it in. I’ll give you a second. I’m gonna say Benjamin Linus. If you said Ben, you are out. If you named any other man in the show, as long as they’re over the age of 18, you are still in. Moving on to number two. I want you to name somebody who killed someone. Any character who kills anyone on the island, off the island, in a flashback. So long as they kill someone in the show, you can choose them. There are a lot to choose from. I’m gonna say Kate. Kate. She kills her stepfather. If you said Kate, you are out. If you’re still in, congratulations. As we move on to No. 3, I want you to name any mode of transport or vehicle that’s on the island. So it has to be on the island. You can’t have with Morse freighter, because that’s in the ocean. Any vehicle or mode of Transport on the island. I think I’m gonna get quite a few of you on this one. Oh, I’m torn. I’m torn between two. I’m torn between Henry Gales balloon and the VW camper. I’m gonna say the balloon. If you said the balloon, you are out. If you said the vans, that is a lucky escape. Okay, I think some of you were trying to be smart with the balloon, so there you go. Moving on to No. 4, then I would like you to name a character who can speak another language. Any character who can speak multiple languages. There are surprisingly quite a few of these as well. You can have. Gosh. Actually, you know, I won’t give you the answers. Lock it in first. And I am gonna say son. I’m gonna say son. She can speak Korean. She can speak English. If you said son, you are out. You could have had Jin, who learns English through the show, said Shannon, Jacob, uh, a bunch of the others who speak Latin. There was plenty to choose from. But if you said son, you are out. Which brings us on to number five. I’m gonna start making it harder now. I think I want you to name somebody that the Man in black has taken the form of. Okay? It has to be human. I know some people think that the man in black became the spider that bit Nikki and Paulo. When the man in Black was in spider form. I, I, I’m not sure if that’s confirmed, so we’re just sticking to humans. Okay, a human. The man in black has taken the form of. I’m going to say Christian, Jack’s father. If you said Christian, you’re eliminated. Everyone who said John Locke just breathed a sigh of relief there. Final one and the hardest. Cause I don’t want anyone to win this against me. I want you to name one of the protectors of the island. They have to have had been in a protector of the island during the main show. So I know there’s talk after the, like, the epilogue that Walt became the protector, but we’re talking for the main show. Okay, I think there’s only four you can choose from. Pick a protector. I’m gonna say Hurley. Hurley. If you said Mother, Jacob or Jack, you are in the clear, but if you said Hurley, you are eliminated. Let me know how you got on in the comments and like and follow for more.