Title: Unraveling the Mystery of Ezra Sosa’s Promotion on Dancing with the Stars

Big congrats to Ezra Sosa for being promoted to pro on dancing with the stars. But y’all know me, I have questions. Not about his ability, I definitely think he deserves the promotion, but about a few other things. First of all, I want to know how Ezra found out while he was in New York. He is working in New York in August. Or was and told his sister. Called his mom, but then somehow, miraculously, time and space traveled back to Los Angeles to JoJo’s house to tell her in person. Even though he was working in New York for the month of August. And she was supposedly on a trip to Poland and now might even be in the UK. At least her mother Jess had posted that she was in London. So yeah, that does not make sense to me. My other question is will Ezra be taking the place of one of these male pros or will they be having an extra male pro? Because he’ll be having a male partner. We’ll actually find out tomorrow who the rest of the cast are, I would think. Don’t kill me, but I would think if any pro were to not be there aside from maybe Louis cause I don’t think he’s there regularly, it would be glad. Just because I’ve noticed that he’s been doing so many different things this summer. Like he did the Chipmunks, Dales did some other projects really. I would like to see all the male Pros back and just to see Ezra as an additional male pro, so fingers crossed that’s the situation. Tell me your thoughts in the comments. And congrats to Ezra, very well deserved. Just a bit of a confusing announcement for me.