Embracing the Unexpected: Lessons Learned from Chasing Ambitious Goals

At the beginning of this year I set two extremely ambitious goals to hit 100,000 followers and six figures in revenue. And at that time I had less than 30,000 followers and quite literally zero dollars in revenue. I was purely living off the savings of my old job. here are the two really unexpected things I Learned at the end of it that I thought I would share. The first is that rarely does your input equal your output. I was posting multiple videos every single day for months and not getting a single go follower. All of a sudden I wake up one day and I post a video and that goes viral and I gain all my followers basically overnight. And then all the brand deals came flooding it. I didn’t realise I had to detach from the day to day progress of my work and stop expecting daily output from what I was doing, but instead showing up every single day consistently so I wouldn’t miss my tipping point moment when it came. The second thing that was really unexpected was I thought it would become easier once I made it. It doesn’t work like that. I have way more eyes on me than ever before and so much higher expectations to deliver a certain quality of work. Honestly, it’s a lot of pressure and more imposter syndrome than I’ve probably ever experienced in my career. Really excited to tackle these challenges cause I know I’m gonna look back at this video next year and literally laugh at how big I thought I was in comparison. Obviously, I’ve just begun this journey, and if I consistently show up everyday, like, who knows where I’m gonna be in six months from now.