Frequently Asked Questions Answered – From Graphic Tees to Teaching: A Candid Chat with Queens

Hey, Queens, I’m gonna answer some frequently asked questions that I get on my videos. I’m just gonna kind of do it out the dome from what I see in the comments, and then we gonna go from there. The people ask, where did I get the promises of God T-shirt in this video? That shirt came from Shein. My glasses are prescription. I don’t wear glasses to be cute. I wear them because I can’t see. Um, if I didn’t have to wear them, I wouldn’t. They’re all prescription. But since they’re prescription, they might as well be cute. So, yeah, most of my glasses come from imart or Zulu. I love imart because you can go get your prescription done at whoever your optometrist is, and you can go there, and they make your glasses right then and there. So you’re not waiting two weeks to get back your new glasses. It literally takes them, like, 30, 45 minutes to make your glasses. So you can run to Taco Bell, get you one of them good sweet teas that they got, eat you a taco. About the time you’re finished, your glasses are ready. Someone ask me, how am I a teacher? I’m not a morning person. I don’t know. Ask god. Why do I wear baby powder? I’m a dance teacher, and I sweat really bad. From s S R I’s. Are you gonna do a God’s son reveal? Absolutely not. And please quit tagging that other person On TikTok. My son doesn’t have a TikTok. So y’all tagging somebody and that’s not even him. So your detective skills, he, he, he. They ain’t good, cause that wasn’t the right person. I think someone asked, where do I get my graphic tees? Usually in the videos, I will tag where I get the graphic tees from. If I don’t tag it in the video where I’m just sitting down, is usually in the outfit of the day video or the get ready with me video. So graphic tees, I get them from Shein 5 below has a really good selection of graphic tees. Pacsun. I get a lot of graphic tees from there. My Dennis Rodman shirts, I get from Rodman Apparel. It just kind of depends on if I see a cute shirt, I’m gonna get it. Um, is Z gonna do another student things that Missy said her students? Yes, she is. She fussed at me about that today, so that is in the making. Guys, why do I spray so much perfume? Ain’t nobody gonna smell you with two sprays, babe. Ain’t nobody gonna smell you unless it’s a super, super beast mode perfume or fragrance. Ain’t nobody gonna smell you. You gonna smell like that for five minutes. So I put that shit on just like Fumi taught me to. If you don’t follow Fumi Monet, then I don’t know what to tell you. Why did you become a teacher? Because I needed a Job? I never wanted to be a teacher, and I still don’t want to be a teacher. Ha ha ha ha! I just need a job, babe.