Unlocking the Secrets of Metabolism: How to Eat Right, Boost Your Metabolism, and Lose Weight Effectively

This is what happens to my metabolism when I eat the right food. If you want to drop this, start eating more of these. If you find yourself eating foods that kill your metabolism, you may not be able to burn fat and lose weight efficiently. This is a metabolism killer. This is a metabolism killer. And this is a metabolism killer. I wanna talk to you about something that’s been making waves on social media lately. You probably seen this guy all over your feed claiming that cutting carbs isn’t necessary for weight loss. No need for long hours on the treadmill, either. Now, I know it sounds too good to be true, but let me tell you, there’s more to this than meets the eye. The science of weight loss was cracked a long time ago. The number one reason that people don’t lose weight is because they ask the wrong questions. Once you know what your body type is, the road to weight loss is so much easier because it fits your metabolic needs and your body isn’t constantly fighting against you. Decided to delve into this topic and do some research. Turns out this guy is a celebrity trainer who’s gained a massive following for challenging mainstream advice. He claims that what we’ve been told about weight loss is wrong. Completely wrong. And you know what makes a lot of sense when you listen to what he has to say. This is what, 10 pounds of Fat. Looks like if you wanna drop this or more, you gotta take your metabolism from this to this. For anyone out there who doesn’t know their metabolic type, stop scrolling for just one second and listen up, please. Cause listen, if you’re trying to get in shape, and I don’t care what it’s for a wedding, vacation, summer, don’t care if you’re trying to get in shape fast, you need to follow a plan for your body type. Any diet that tells you to cut out entire food groups, like, say, carbs or fats, is going to make your body miss out on vital nutrient. I cut out carbs, sugar. I was just not sustainable. Boom! I gained it back so fast this time. I feel like I’ve done it the healthy way. I’ve lost 30 pounds. Just do it. Just do it. You won’t regret it. You’re gonna see it too. You’re gonna be like, Dang, I look good. Cardio burns fat, right? No, cardio actually burns calories, usually in the form of carbs in the bloodstream, that are then replaced with the very next meal that you do eat and stored as more fat. Basically causes your metabolism to plummet. You don’t enjoy doing it anyways. Eventually you quit because it’s not sustainable and you don’t get the results that you’re wanting. So why are you doing that? The best way to burn fat and get shredded is not keto, not paleo, and it’s definitely not intense. Exercises like this. I want to show you a way to eat the foods that you actually like eating. Spend less than 20 minutes per day working out, and you can do this from home. My total journey is 210 that I’ve lost. That’s insane. I don’t even weigh 210 pounds. You’ve lost me. So this is our body type quiz. You answer six questions about, like, your height, your weight, your. Your gender, that kind of stuff. Basically, it tells you what your body type is. It’ll tell you the three most important things that you need to do. And it’s free. If anybody else out there is wanting to take the. The quiz, you’re more than welcome. We’d love to have you.