Embracing a World of Opium: Insights from Destroy Lonely

Destroy lonely also said in that interview he’s thankful just being a part of opium, um, and this world, because they bring this world onto the stage and they bring this world when they come to places and, um, destroy says how he was just thankful that he can be a part of that and have a peace that he can bring to that world. We bring it in terms of culture and, like, just our own world, and I’m honored to be a part of it. I’m glad to have my piece of it and bring what I bring to the table. And I don’t think it’s nothing like this. I don’t think it’ll ever be nothing like us again, and I’m just glad I got to, got to be be a piece of it, so. And I think that’s one thing that’s super, super, um, true about opium. Not only is their music a whole world, and all of them kind of have, like, this aesthetic and genre, but it’s more than just the music. It is a world they’re creating. From an aesthetic, to the way they’re looking, to the shows, to the visual, um, music videos, to the way they’re presenting themselves, to the entourage, to the people they bring around them, to the way they decide to do interviews, it’s very, very their world. And I think that’s been the reason why they’ve had so much success.