3, 2, 1: Navigating the Choreography of Coordination

Start off, make sure you guys are kind of to the point where your elbows. Can I go to that side? No, but can you back up a little bit and be right in line with it? Like hurting cats sometimes. So three, two, one. Three, two, one. The last one here, 3, 2, 1. And then you guys can go straight face here. 3, 3, 2, 1, and last one here. And then just look across to the guy that’s even with you. Make sure you guys are in the same spot. Looking good. A walking set where you guys are gonna do the same thing. We back each other up, just kind of get closer. Uh, you go on button for this. That way, if you guys are kind of got an arm around, on my count, do it kind of slow. Don’t have to, like, run or anything. So here we go. 3, two, one. Let’s go, baby!