Inclusive Welcome: A Humorous Perspective on Making Everyone Feel Welcome

I saw a welcome mat in front of somebody’s door and it was one of those welcome mats that’s like, in this house, we welcome all genders, all religions, all colours, all. And there’s like 10 things on it, which is very inclusive and I like that. But I think it could be more inclusive if it just said welcome, cause that includes everybody already. It includes people that can’t see. Very good. You know, don’t make me read the whole thing to find out if I’m allowed into your. Don’t make me be like, wait, honey, I gotta see if Jews are on here. I was like, okay, we’re good, let’s go. You know, just put welcome. It’s also nicer to the kid in the sweatshop that has to sew it together, you know? Now, you know, there’s like a nine year old in Pakistan that’s like, huh? And pansexuals. Can I have a break? No, don’t forget about demisexuals.