Maximizing Your Car Buying Potential: Tips for Financing with Bad Credit

you said that you denying me my own credit right right I’m denied right I can’t get no car right because I refuse to put a down payment down right right here’s where people make a huge mistake if your credit score is high enough you generally don’t have to make a down payment but if you’ve got raggedy credit you have no business doing the financing at a dealership use a credit union instead if you have bad credit last part’s most important get your pre approval from the credit union and don’t tell the dealership that you’re pre approved negotiate the out of door price first then you make sure that the Bill of sale has none of these fake fees that are trying to take advantage of you dealerships take advantage because they make it seem like you can’t negotiate these fees to be removed if they won’t remove them walk away from the deal and they’ll most likely call you back in a few days wondering if you’re still interested make sure to follow or subscribe for more ways to increase your credit score