Combatting Fraud: How to Report Counterfeit Cuisinart Products from Chinese Companies

Hi, everybody, it’s Tom from Qless. More, uh, information ideas about the fraud that’s taking place, um, by a bunch of Chinese companies, um, knocking off Cuisinart. Here’s. We’ve talked about how you can go to Amazon or Walmart, or you can Facebook. You can make complaints. There’s two other cool ways to do this. The Federal Trade Commission, FTC. So you can go to their website,, forward, slash complaint, and then just follow the prompts, and it will enable you to. To let them know what scam you have been a victim of. Okay, that’s one, two. I C 3. It’s the Internet Crime Complaint Center, and this is run by the FBI. So what you do again, is just. Is it I Yeah, uh, I think that’s what it is. Yeah. I see And again, follow the prompts, and it will, um, help you make your complaint. And I appreciate your. Your help very much. Thank you.