From Bear to Fit: My Weight Loss Journey and the Importance of Food

thanks sis I will spill the menu to my weight loss for context this is how I look in January I think okay leh not fat not skinny the gays described me well Bear in recent events I look like this I secretly see your comment don’t wanna think too much about it I already got a big head Later I scared the head become bigger so it took me 2 to 3 months to lose that 10 kg I hired a fitness trainer lah because I know my discipline this is Nick he helped me push and organize training session but more importantly set my calories and make sure I eat within the calories I’m not a fitness instructor or I’m not certified But from my experience guys food food is the most important you can gym you can run whatever you want to do but if your food is still not deficit… all I know is because I just gained 2kg again I will key in my food on this app called my myfitnesspal and make sure that it is below 1700 calories every day for 3 weeks to a month I will send my trainer the food I eat and he advise on top of the statistics to reach my calories my favorite food is chicken rice because you can control the portion got greens got protein I also like Nando’s and Ayam Penyet anything chicken ah That got lean meat I also bought some chicken breast from Cheekies anything that’s chicken, rice As long calories and protein the weight loss is nice but the thing I love the most is the learning Like learning about calories learning about all the different kind of meat having a fitness trainer is a privilege just sharing with you the tools I learn this post is not sponsored I didn’t even run in the 2 to 3 months when I losing 10 kg so it doesn’t matter you run or you walk or you gym is the food ah guys I love food