Unexpected Twist: A Cheesy Surprise in Their Food

I put a little surprise in this customer’s food. Normally, I can’t, but they were definitely asking for it. Basically, the order started out normal. They were telling me what they wanted in their Mac and cheese, and I was ringing it up. But towards the end, we got to the drizzle, and they decided that they wanted to put ranch on top of their Mac and cheese. But it was towards the end of the night, and, of course, we had just ran out. They were kind of upset about it, you know, asking if we had any more in the back, stuff like that. I gave them the bad news that we didn’t. They left, and I started making their bowl. But halfway through making it, my coworker realized that we actually had some. We just needed to prep it. So I put it in the bottle, shook it up, and