Unexpected Generosity: A Surprising Visit to a Humble Home

So how are you doing? What’s your name? What are you doing here? Why are you doing your assignment outside? Okay. The rain also affected your house. Can I see your house?

Is this your mom? How much do you pay for rent here? 4,000 monthly. So how long have you guys been staying here? 16 years. How many kids do you have? Oh, she does not speak English. Okay. How many siblings do you have?

And the wardrobe is on top of a attire because of the water, right. So you guys don’t watch cartoons anymore. What do you do for a living? Oh, she sells soap. Does she have a shop or store where she sells the soap? She hocks it every day. Oh, can you ask her how much she makes every day? 2,000. Okay. You make 2,000 profit every day. So. Oh oke. Tegasnya. So you put a cylinder on the plank and you cook there. So this is your bedroom. Have a small surprise for you guys. I want you guys to close your eyes, please. Okay, you can open your eyes. So I have this to give you, Ma. I know it’s not, I know I, I know it’s not enough, but please just use it to take care of your kids for the meantime. And I’m gonna try my best to come back for your family. Thank you no Pablo Male bye bye.