Title: Embracing the Role of Being a Good Example for Younger Siblings

But you’re the oldest of 12. Yeah. Well, you have younger siblings and they look up to you. Yeah. Does that, do you have to be a certain way to make a good example for them? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because like sometimes I, it’s just the way I normally, normally act and it’s like, sometimes it’s right, sometimes it’s wrong. Yeah. Um, and it can be an example either way because they can see what happened when I did something and they’re like, I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to, I don’t want that to happen to me. Or I can do something right? And they can be like, that was really nice or, yeah, mom was really proud of him or something like that. Yeah. I want that. I want to be able to do that. That’s really cool. Yeah. That’s awesome. What do you think the most important lesson for them is to learn? I mean, for them right now, actually try to get to know God and things like that. So I would say right now, just try to be as kind as you can and be like, just like set a good example, even if you’re the youngest. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so it’s really important to you that they, they know God. Yeah. Also love, uh, your siblings and anyone else. Yeah. Cause if they can’t, if they can’t understand, like completely love God or Jesus yet, they can still do one Of the things Jesus said, which is love people. Yeah. So that’s amazing. Well, good for you. You’re a good older brother.